umxAPA: Creates nicely formatted journal-style summaries of models.umxAlgebra: A simple wrapper for mxAlgebra with name as the first.umx_aggregate: Convenient formula-based cross-tabs & built-in summary.umxACEv: Build and run 2-group uni- or multi-variate ACE models based.umxACEcov: Run a Cholesky with covariates that are random (in the.umxACE: Build and run a 2-group Cholesky ACE twin model (univariate.umx: Functions for Structural Equation Modeling in OpenMx.tmx_show.MxModel: Show matrices of RAM models in a easy-to-learn-from format.tmx_show.MxMatrix: Show matrices of models in a easy-to-learn-from format.tmx_show: Show matrices of models in a easy-to-learn-from format.tmx_is.identified: Test if a factor model is identified.tmx_genotypic_effect: Graphical display of genotypic effects.SE_from_p: Compute an SE from a beta and p value.

RMSEA.MxModel: RMSEA function for MxModels.residuals.MxModel: Get residuals from an MxModel.reliability: Report coefficient alpha (reliability).print.reliability: Print a scale "reliability" object.print.oddsratio: Print a scale "oddsratio" object.: Test the power of an ACE model to detect paths of interest.plot.percent: Plot a percent change graph.plot.MxModelTwinMaker: Create and display a graphical path diagram for a path-based.plot.MxModel: Create and display a graphical path diagram for a model.plot.MxLISRELModel: Create and display a graphical path diagram for a LISREL.noNAs: Succinctly select complete rows from a dataframe.loadings.MxModel: Extract factor loadings from an EFA (factor analysis).loadings: loadings Generic loadings function to extract factor loadings.iqdat: Twin data: IQ measured longitudinally across 4 ages.
Latex exe xlist horizontal examples install#
install.OpenMx: Install OpenMx, with choice of builds.GFF: Twin data: General Family Functioning, divorce, and.FishersMethod: Fishers Method of combining p-values.fin_valuation: Work the valuation of a company.fin_percent: Compute the percent change needed to return to the original.fin_NI: Compute NI given annual Earnings.fin_interest: Compute the value of a principal & annual deposits at a.